What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is a pattern of assaultive and controlling behaviors among people who are married, living together, or have an ongoing or past intimate relationship. It includes physical (battering), sexual, verbal and psychological attacks against the victim as well as against the victim's children, property or pets.
How do I know if what is happening to me is abusive?
Although abusive tactics may differ from relationship to relationship, the following may help you identify potential and/or abusive behavior:
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for more information, check the following links:
Alaska Statutes on Domestic Abuse
It is never O.K. to force, pressure or trick anyone into having sexual contact.
Sexual assault is any sexual contact without consent.
Consent must always be present throughout sexual activity, and it can be taken back at any time.
Consent is:
Silence and "giving in" are not consent.
Forms of Sexual Assault:
Any sexual contact (with or without penetration) that is gained through:
This includes any sexual contact with a minor who is too young to consent--even if they say yes, even if they initiate it, even if they are in love.
Acquaintance Rape: most common type of rape. It occurs when the victim is raped by someone they know.
Date Rape: occurs when the victim does not give consent while on a date.
Marital Rape: a form of rape that occurs when the perpetrator uses power over a spouse or to express anger.
Child Sexual Assault: occurs when a child is fondled, caressed, and or/penetrated by an older, sexually mature person, (often a relative, family friend, neighbor, or other person the child knows and trusts). Can be a one time occurrence or on an on-going basis.
Gang Rape: occurs when two or more perpetrators rape one victim.
The Alaska Department of Law on Sexual Assault